Wednesday 25 May 2011

royal wedding street party

after the royal wedding my street held a 'street party' on the field with games and food. mmm food...
it was really cute, anyway here's some photozz:

mm my hair looks minging

haha sack race- i won

i didnt take these, i wish i did!

three legged race- clearly in the lead

playing tennis with the cutest kid ever. 

Monday 23 May 2011

justin bobby

i know he was really mean to audrina, but this guy is just too good! always preferred him to brody and whatever the others are called.

if that girl could just scoot outta this picture it would be perfect! 

mmm so good

Saturday 21 May 2011

summa is approachin guyz and galz.

haven't posted in a while- besides the one about two minutes ago harhar- apologies for that. i think i'm too lazy to own a blog. plus i dont take nice photos, haha not really much point of me being on here is there!
anywhom, here are some photos of recent events, they aren't the most exciting mind!


so pwetty, some eco park we visited one day!

a graveyard, a bit of a weird thing to take a picture of but how cute! 

hair went so light in the sun, swear i only did the tips as well! oh well

practically black xoxo

dip dye gone bad

can't be bothered uploading photos from anything else, byee! 

selling tings on ebay!

hey sorry to all you followers out there- haha just kidding, last time i checked it was only me who read this blog- i haven't been blogging recently cos i've got my A levels so im revising like craazy. i dont have an excuse for my lame attempt at blogging beforehand though, I was juust lazy and unmotivated by the gush of followers ;)
anyway in the next few months i'll have some cool photo oppurtunities, and i'll post 'em onto here! I'm going to ibiza with the fam next week, hopefully download the week after or whenever it is, eastern europe in the summer with da school, v fest and leeds! and obviously the odd exciting thing here and there if all goes to plaaaan ;)
so anyway yeah, the point of this post was to advertise ma tings that im selling on ebay! they ain't bad if i say so myself! it'd be much appreciated if you take a look, and better still, if you like anything bidbidbid!

cheap monday

french connection


river island